i'm thankful for the state of sleepiness i've been in since getting back from las vegas on thursday afternoon. i'm thankful to have taken a number of rare (for me) naps, to have fallen asleep at 9am and 9pm and times in between. i'm thankful that i have still been able to do things i needed to do but that i have done them from under a veil of sleepiness, which feels like some kind of special outfit in a role playing game that adds a modifier dropping my anxiety.
i'm thankful for something d noticed yesterday, which is that i go on more work trips at my new job than we go on vacations. i'm thankful that while my work trips are full of work, they also do, in a way, feel like vacations—i'm thankful to have gotten home and felt like i had had a proper Experience in a strange place. i'm thankful for that but i'm also thankful d noticed that, since it makes me feel even more strongly that we need to take a proper vacation together sometime soon.
i'm thankful that though it is not a proper vacation with just the two of us, we're both only working monday this week and then will be off the rest of the week while visiting my parents in florida. i'm thankful that my brother and his wife (who d has never actually met in person) are going to be there too and that i think we will get along well and have a lot of fun together. i'm thankful we were both able to take off a day once we get back.
i'm thankful that though i had an annoying hangnail on my right middle finger, it is getting better. i'm thankful that though i feel out of practice with these notes and like i have nothing interesting to say and no interesting way to say it, i know i have felt that before many times and i know that eventually i have always found my way back to something i'm proud of sharing. i'm thankful that i can hang in there if you can.