i'm thankful for rice and how easy a rice cooker makes it to cook rice, something i used to fuck up often enough to hate cooking rice and thus prejudice me against making things that included or went on top of rice
(i'm thankful to think, in that lane of unsatisfying food memories, of once not suitably rinsing a pot and leaving soap residue and then cooking food i think pasta in it and the food tasting soapy and how i only really ever had to make that mistake once to never want to do it again)
i'm thankful for my new teammate t and i'm thankful that she made me a coda dashboard she titled "justin's zone" and is trying to help me with the parts of my job that i don't like and making it possible for me to spend more time doing the parts i do like. i'm thankful for how genuine and kind she is.
i'm thankful that i edited a pull request code review note to a coworker who had reverted a bunch of work i had done before i went out of office (and which i had told him he could revert, even though i didn't actually want him to revert it, and i'm thankful that i recognize that so i don't ask for something i don't want) to be less pushy and kinder, and i'm thankful that i also left the github edit history for the comment in place, which i considered deleting but wanted to be transparent about, the evolution of my presentation
(i'm thankful, though i'm glad to try to be sensitive to my failings and improve, to also not dwell on them more than is necessary, and not to the exclusion of other things good and bad, and i'm thankful for writing, the act of putting down words as a way of spiritually "putting down" a thing in my thoughts)
i'm thankful for tetris, which i have been playing a ton of lately on the treadmill and which really functions so great as an occupier of a certain sector of my brain as a podcast or audiobook occupies another sector and running on the treadmill occupies a third sector, the legs of the tripod of me maintaining my health and inattention through exercise
i'm thankful that the treadmill has seemingly brought an end to the strongest exercise drought i've experienced maybe ever and that i'd been in for a few months, struggling to make myself work out when in the past i'd had to struggle to make myself not work out, and i'm thankful to have that excitement and to feel the benefits in my body, the sense of inhabiting myself strengthening again
i'm thankful for the first two episodes of this season of the walking dead, which have been the best walking dead in forever because of their debt to lost
i'm thankful for miso's joy at licking a spoon covered in peanut butter
i'm thankful for sweatpants