Favorites of 2023
December 22, 2023
Here are some of my favorite things of the past year, continuing the tradition from last year. Articles How To Do Great Work—This is an inspiring essay on...
Sabbatical Reflection
November 20, 2023
Hello! Sabbatical Reflection | Justin Austin Reflections from my recent sabbatical I'm finishing up a sabbatical and wrote a snippet of some reflections. It...
Reviewing Pull Requests
October 5, 2023
My colleague on the machine learning team recently asked me for advice on better reviewing pull requests. It was a productive conversation with things worth...
New Post: ChatGPT and Plagiarism
December 17, 2022
Hello! ChatGPT and Plagiarism | Justin Austin How should our idea of plagiarism change with the advent of ChatGPT and artificial intelligence in general?...
Lessons from a Recent Refactor
October 10, 2022
Hello! I recently led a refactor of one of our codebases at work (we’re hiring!). It was a fantastic learning experience, and I’m documenting some learnings...
New website; on setting and forgetting; and some Google stats
September 7, 2022
Hello! It’s been a while 😊 New website I recently pushed a new version of justincaustin.com, rewritten using Zola instead of React and NextJS. Things...
🌶 New Post: Hot Takes about Software Engineering
May 5, 2022
Hello! Hot Takes about Software Engineering (justincaustin.com) It's just a list of hot takes about software engineering, presented without explanation or...
New Post: Automate Your Influence
April 14, 2022
Hello! Automate Your Influence (justincaustin.com) This is a shorter one with some thoughts on how you can scale your influence on and across projects with...