#000 - The Preview
What's From Juhis with Love all about? This preview email is here to show you what you'll be signing up for.
Welcome to From Juhis with Love.
This email is a preview of what you can expect from the email once you sign up. Every email you read, you'll learn something new and be inspired by something in the world.
Debugging Python

In November 2023, I got an opportunity to speak about Debugging Python to a lovely audience.
In the talk, I shared my best tips and tricks for how to turn stressful debugging situations into joyful explorations.
I have written more about debugging in my Syntax Error newsletter – you can find its archives on my website.

Garden of Learning
I started publishing my personal notes on a digital garden at notes.hamatti.org. They are a subset from my daily working notes and cover a lot of the same topics I write about in my blog and on this newsletter but in a different format.
Happening in our communities
Start of a new year is always a delightful time.
archipylago meetup Thu 16.1. at Taiste where we'll learn about notebook versioning and Meson build system.
Turku ❤️ Frontend meetup Wed 29.1. at Vaadin where we'll learn about htmx and SolidJS.
It's also our 10th anniversary year at Turku ❤️ Frontend and we're working on organising something extra fun this year.
At Koodiklinikka we started designing for our first Koodikatsaus - a survey about what technologies developers in Finland are using at work and at hobby projects.
Oleg published Techtrib.es that lists developer events in Finland on one handy page.
From the web and the world
CLI Wrapped
Discovering new blogs is always a delight. It's also a delight to see how many of the people whose blogs I subscribe to in my RSS reader read each other.
This became apparent when a chain of "CLI Wrapped" style posts started popping up in my reader, all referencing the the previous post I had read.
Chris DeLuca shared his most used commands in My CLI wrapped most used commands, followed by Nicola Iarocci in My most used command-line commands. That in turn inspired Andrea Grandi in My ZSH history and then Jeff Triplett in My most used commands in my terminal history.
You should check all of their blogs, they are such good reads.
If you want to find yours, there's a handy shell command:
history \
| awk '{print $2}' \
| sort \
| uniq --count \
| sort --numeric-sort --reverse \
| head -10
and if you wanna learn how it works, here are all the commands and what they do:
# list all commands from history file
# print the second field
# awk on default splits by whitespace
awk '{print $2}'
# sort alphabetically
# combine consecutive duplicates and count how many there are.
# requires sort before so it captures all of them correctly
uniq --count
# sort by the count in descending numeric order
sort --numeric-sort --reverse
# print the first 10 entries
head -10
All these commands are then combined with a pipe (|
) that feeds the previous command's output as the input for the next.
This composability is one reason why I love command-line interfaces and doing one thing well.