JSter #234 - Libraries and more
Happy new year JavaScripters!
New year, new challenges. I have a small favor to ask you. I have a MSc student researching how AI is used for web development. To help out, fill his query (5-15 mins).
- Recharts - A composable charting library built on React components
- Victory - React.js components for modular charting and data visualization
- capricorn86/happy-dom: A JavaScript implementation of a web browser without its graphical user interface
- react-R/reactR: React for R
- pg-nano: Type-safe calls to Postgres UDFs, rapid SQL-first schema development, libpq-based client library
- nodejs/amaro: Node.js TypeScript wrapper
- WebReflection/promise: Abortable and Resolvable Promises.
- errsole/errsole.js: Node.js logger with a built-in dashboard
- ReactRx - Hooks for combining React with Rx observables
- matcha.css - Drop-in semantic styling library in pure CSS
- Base UI - Unstyled UI components for building accessible web apps and design systems
- The unique position of Vite in our ecosystem
- A Guide To Accessible Form Validation
- A nice overview on how closures can bite you in React and cause memory leaks.
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