JSter #228 - Libraries and more
You are the JavaScript one
We've started selling tickets for next year's Future Frontend conference. It will take place 27-28.5 at Espoo, Finland (close to Helsinki) and we'll focus on the intersection of AI, web design and development. The super early bird tickets (199€) are available until the end of October and you can learn more about Future Frontend 2025 at the conference website.
- webpro/reveal-md: reveal.js on steroids! Get beautiful reveal.js presentations from any Markdown file
- Slidev - Presentation slides for developers
- Panda CSS - Build modern websites using build time and type-safe CSS-in-JS
- decs/typeschema: 🛵 Universal adapter for TypeScript schema validation.
- Fulldev UI - Astro component and block library, open-source
- Fastify v5 is Here!
- Deno 2.0 Release Candidate
- SafeQL - Write safe SQL queries with confidence
- ts-blank-space - Fast TS type eraser
- Why Varun switched from Cypress to Playwright
- Detailed React. Reconciliation, Renderers, Fiber, Virtual Tree
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