Inspired By #97
Hello beautiful people! Hope you had a great summer. 💚
This is Issue #97 of Inspired By, a monthly(-ish) newsletter from your friendly neighbourhood designer JPKoudstaal.
Here are some of the things I came across the last few weeks that inspired me:
🧱 LEGO® collab with Pharrell and Nike
Announced earlier this year (but I totally missed it) Pharrell William’s life story, told as a LEGO® movie?! Sure, why not. Here’s the trailer:
And (of course) there’s a LEGO® set that goes with it. Looks pretty neat actually! 😅
And also recently announced: a collab between Nike and LEGO®. Not sure what that will bring, but that swoosh-mouth on the minifig head is cute. ☺️
🎧 Instrumental Hip-Hop Classics by OMA
Been listening to OMA (oh em ay) this whole week. A hip-hop band from Manchester, that plays instrumental Hip-Hop classics. Keys, Guitar, Drums and Bass, what a vibe, love it. 🥰
🩸 Blood, sweat, and details
Another presentation from Figma Config, this time about 3D motion art! Benjamin Fryc takes you through the process he used to create some amazing 3D animations.
And a bonus tip: I converted his video to a GIF with Gifski, super simple and free!
Really nice talk and lovely work! 🙌🏻
🌄 Photo Gradient
Looking for beautiful dreamlike gradients? Daniel Destefanis built a new tool that can create beautiful gradients from photographs. It’s available on web (soon as a Figma plugin) and looks amazing! 😍
🫎 Gisnep — Daily Quote Puzzle
David Friedman used ChatGPT to brainstorm and code (!) a game. Read his (excellent) newsletter to find out how he did it, why it’s called Gisnep and why it has a Moose mascot. (It has something to do with Disney®)
🍅 Jim Kennelly — Primo’s Deli
Love the branding for this Italian deli. Strong colors, typography, old photographs and those water-color illustrations look great! (via Ugmonk)
Primo's Deli — Jim Kennelly
A curated, easier to browse graphic design repository for the Internet Archives
🍕 Pizza Making Time Lapse
I wanted to learn some new Adobe Premiere tricks (and eat pizza) so here’s what I did:
• I placed my iPhone on my kitchen hood and pressed record
• I watched these tutorials,
• I edited and sped up the footage
• Added some text animations and light-leaks for ✨aesthetics✨ and:
• My pizza time lapse was done.
But, I made a mistake.
I should’ve placed the text animation a bit higher, so my avatar, name and Ice Cube’s song don’t cover it…
And now I know, hope I remember it for next time. 😅
That’s it for this issue.
And don’t forget: Mind your posture and drink more water.
See you next time! ✌🏻