2024A — Interactive
Hello, I just published a new piece, 2024A. It's interactive.
Open it up in your web browser and press keys on your keyboard, tap your screen, or click.
I'll share a bit about the piece.
I've been thinking about and prototyping keyboard-driven pieces for a few months now. This is the first one that has sufficiently resolved. (There will be more.)
As always, I'm curious about how we spend time on screens, how devices and platforms set expectations, and how they drive behaviors. Passive consumption, active consumption, creation, editing. The deep ambiguity of forms in a world of millions and millions of pixels that can be anything at any time. What's an image, what's a video, what's a game, what's an app, what's a website?
This piece blurs the boundaries a little bit more by shifting a good deal of the authorship from me to the viewer (or, ideally, operator), and hopefully at the same time some sense of the feeling of that authorship.
Part of that feeling is the tension of what you can do versus what you can't do with the piece. What does the technology make possible? What does the piece make possible? Where are the lines drawn?
That's some of what I was thinking about.
In terms of the piece's mechanics, there are a bunch of systems and routines that should reveal themselves pretty quickly if understanding them is your thing. Or, go the non-intellectual route and simply maintain curiosity about how you feel as color and pattern emerge and fade away.
My hope is that time spent with the piece is rewarded.
Thanks for reading.
— Josh
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