Episode 24: polylines, bollards, jaywalking, and last email from me unless you opt into new list...
Hello, Things have been slow and busy in this part of Denver. First, I'm about to switch from ConvertKit to Buttondown Email. Unless you joined this email list in the last few months, I'm going to not bring your email address to the new email list, so this will be the last email you get from me unless you click here to opt in to the new system. I'm going to move everything over to that system, future emails will be from there, and like I said, to clean out old systems (I've been running this email list for many years now) I'm sorta... pruning. For the software-motivated people, here's the current status of a long-running data gathering project. I'm nearly positive I've talked about it here before, but maybe mostly in blog posts. If you click the following link, mobile or desktop (where do y'all read most of your emails?) you'll see something like: 👉 https://joshs-mobility-data-54dab943ebba.herokuapp.com/?zoom=17&latlng=39.737619,%20-104.969164 The herokuapp url will be recognizable (and groan-inducing) to some of you. The url visits 'root', and passes in two query params, a zoom level and latlng things, which... looks just like that. Long ago I was using the Strava app/platform thing to record running I was doing. Years later, I had the idea of pulling out collected data, and plotting it on a map. Strava has an API, while not trivial, people smarter than I have written good guides about how to do it, I muddled my way through it. Then I moved to Golden, proper, I got a bike, *and* covid happened, all within short order. I biked allllll around the city, and it was fun to "fill in" bits of the map. Here's what my biking activity in Golden is. Red is bicycle, yellow is on my feet: Anyway, I then stumbled into the world of scooting (like, a 170cc motor scooter, the kind that is common in asia, but qualitatively different than perhaps a 50cc scooter you're thinking of right now. So, I started scooting, a lot. First 'just' in Golden, then all around Denver, then all around the USA, then the world: The teal is the paths I've taken in strava while riding my scooter, yellow is walking. First, I've been overhauling a bunch of digital stuff. I use convertkit to send these emails, reluctantly, been planning on switching to button down email for forever. Convertkit is hurting all the more, so this will (hopefully) be the last email from me via convertkit that you receive. The convertkit editor is not fun to me to use, and fights my usual workflow, so my usage of any/all of the tooling here and throughout my various websites feels fractured. I'm sure it feels fractured from the other side, too. Anyway, that means future emails you might receive will still be 'from' me, but via a different service provider. I also would like to dramatically reduce the subscriber base that I've got, so I'm going to do a 'opt-in' model to bring 'subscribers' from here to there. |