Ep 6: Driven By Compression Progress
Hi there!
It's me, Josh. I write about climbing, software, urbanism, Robert Moses, power, and more.
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Brag Document Followup:
Following up on last week - did any of you start a brag document? Don't remember? Read Julia Evan's post: Get your work recognized: write a brag document
Funny-and-sad out-of-context quote of the week
I'm thinking of a new section, titled "Funny out-of-context quote of the week". Here's this week's entry, about an event that took place in August of last year:
"To believe that Citibank, one of the most sophisticated financial institutions in the world, had made a mistake that had never happened before, to the tune of nearly $1 billion—would have been borderline irrational," he wrote.
(I don't find this "funny", it's sad, across many dimensions.)
Driven By Compression Progress
I'm short on time this week. Lucky you, I might not send you a 1200 word email!
I'm trying to finish some old drafts I've got floating around.
So, here's a cute picture:
And now that you're feeling happier than you otherwise were, you can consider reading what I just published:
Compression Progress: A Principle that explains <many interesting phenomina>
Should you click the link? It's about a white paper from 2008 about information compression. It's kinda boring, until it's not. The link explains a little bit about why just the abstract is worth your consideration.
I'll share more about this another time.
PS If you DID click the link, what do you think of the paper? Have you heard of it before? Do you have a printer and you often print documents? If so, print it off, read it, write me back in the next few weeks. Or read it however you read such things.
PPS Would it be helpful for me to mention the Brag Document idea every now and again as a helpful reminder for you to do something about it? "Now" often isn't the right time for something like a brag document, but "soon, will you remind me" often is the right time.