Emails From Josh
Episode 24: polylines, bollards, jaywalking, and last email from me unless you opt into new list...
Hello, Things have been slow and busy in this part of Denver. First, I'm about to switch from ConvertKit to Buttondown Email. Unless you joined this email...
November Updates
After my last email, some of you answered with:that is crazy that is the only legal building you can build, madness It’s illegal because of mandatory parking...
Episode 11: More Bike Rides around Golden
Hi there! I'm Josh! You might have gotten on this list by signing
Ep 8: 20 Minute Neighborhoods
Ep 8: 20 minute neighborhoods
New Broadcast
Episode 23: Moar Robert Moses ('your boy RM')
December 7, 2023
Hi there. We are/I am talking about Robert Moses a bit more today, of course. Note to first-time readers or those who very understandably don't remember...
Episode 22: Urbanism, Concrete, and Supremacy
November 11, 2023
Hi there. I occasionally send out emails to anyone who's asked to receive updates from me/my website, If you don't want these emails, hit...
Intermediate Ruby: 🪄 for faster tests
November 8, 2023
Hello! You signed up for emails from me over on - ostensibly you are about software development, Ruby, and a bit more. I run two main...
Episode 21: Programming, Scooters, and Evangelicalism 🤮
May 9, 2023
Please unsubscribe if you don't want these emails. I used to write nearly exclusively about software development, but due to "life circumstances" have...
Episode 20: back from bali. scooters. videos of scooting in bali.
March 23, 2023
Hi, Josh here. I write about whatever's on my mind. If you don't want my emails, I really don't want to be in your inbox. Smash the unsubscribe link. OK, so...
Episode ~19, March updates: about scooters, and data visualization
March 4, 2023
Hi there! Josh here. You got on this list from one of my websites, probably via something about software development at, or my website,...
Feb 2023 - Update(s) from Josh
February 6, 2023
Hi there. Josh here. Those of you reading this but not recalling from whence I hail, I write occasionally about zoning, or software development, or rock...
June Update 2 - interesting links, update about my scooter, bike tours of Golden (or Denver)?
June 24, 2022
hello! As usual, here's an unsubscribe link for you: UnsubscribeTWO emails in a month? What ails me? Working on a consistent writing habit.Links. They're...
June Update - links and why I got a voicemail from the Denver District Attourney
June 17, 2022
Hi there! My gosh, a lot has happened in your life since you got an email from me. A lot has happened in my life, since I last wrote one of these. I cannot...
October Update
October 21, 2021
Welcome new readers. I work on many projects, predominantly via and my "main" website, If you've signed up via either,...
Intermediate Ruby Episode n+1
October 18, 2021
Hi there! It's almost Halloween:I've not written to just this list, for a long time. I've been neck deep in projects, and only some of them are related to...
Episode 13: September Updates
September 15, 2021
Welcome new subscribers! This is an email about the city of Golden, software development, and other things. I treat it more as a scratchpad for current...
Episode 12: Golden, Depression, Wanted and Unwanted Projects, and Money
September 3, 2021
Welcome, new readers! This newsletter is an ongoing project where I share some of what I'm working on, in ways that will: 1) be useful to some of you, 2) be...
Episode 11: More about Golden
August 16, 2021
Hi there!You're getting this email because you subscribed via,, or have a lot on deck to write about...
Episode 10: Bike Rides around Golden (and a story about housing)
June 3, 2021
I've noticed lots of email "newsletter" things I see start with an apology for why it's been so long since they've last emailed. The idea is that there's a...
EP 9: I get to give testamony to the Governmental Accounting Standards Board in 60 minutes
March 30, 2021
Ep 9: GASB
Intermediate Ruby - shaking off some dust
March 1, 2021
intermediate-ruby episode 1
Ep 7: commit tracing and the youtube video "4plex city"
February 26, 2021
Ep 7: commit tracing, compressiong progress p2, cities
Ep 6: Driven By Compression Progress
February 19, 2021
Ep 5: Progressivism & Land Use Laws, Brag Documents and Raises, Scientific Papers
February 12, 2021
Ep 5: Salary, Brag Documents, and Delivering Value
Ep 4: A Podcast, Density (😱), and Desirable Streets
February 5, 2021
Ep 4: A Podcast, Density (😱), and Desirable Streets
Ep. 3: Pretty Buildings Are Illegal, Tiny Little Software Projects
January 28, 2021
Episode 3 -
Episode 2 - $13,000 toilets, Risk Management & Having Fun in Climbing and Software Development
January 21, 2021
Episode 2 - $13k toilets, podcasts,
Episode 1 - Golden, CO, housing, etc.
January 14, 2021
Robert Moses and the Fall of New York
August 4, 2020
broadcast for archive purposes Half-way through 2020, themes and books
July 27, 2020 Monday Update
Intermediate Ruby: Would you be willing to go through a draft blog post and video to help me improve them?
July 15, 2020
intermediate_ruby: request for volunteers to preview OSS Contribution P1?
Intermediate Ruby: When someone says "make open source contributions", like... how do you do that?
May 16, 2020
intermediate_ruby: working on editing first oss video!
belaying, soft catches, gifs, and I hope you've been well
November 4, 2016
Happy Friday! Two things for you today: First: Have you ever been spiked? Have you ever tried to describe a "soft catch" to someone? Well, if so, here's huge...
How to climb your first 5.10 (or 5.11, or even 5.12)
March 24, 2016
Happy Friday! Two things for you. First, are you trying to reach a grade that you've not yet sent, but you really want to get there? Today's article is...
Catching Falling Lead Climbers, Explained in Gifs
March 4, 2016
Happy Friday! Today's article is about giving soft catches. (And it has gifs!) It was timely, because just a week ago I gave the worst catch of my life to my...
Dealing with fear while lead climbing
January 23, 2016
Happy Friday! When's the last time you were lead climbing and felt nervous about falling? (Most likely, it was the last time you lead climbed!) I've talked...
2 minutes to make sure you never drop your climber
January 1, 2016
Hi there, Happy 2016! A few years back, I was in a climbing gym and heard a big thump from nearby. A climber had been at the top of the wall, told his...
an email about climbing, not christmas.
December 25, 2015
Is your inbox full of stuff about christmas? Mine is. Enough of that. This week's article is sort of a "part 2" to last week's core training post:...
[core training] never do another crunch again
December 18, 2015
Happy friday!Two things for you: First: I made a 90 second video covering a six-exercise progression on how to build incredible climbing specific core...