Should everybody climb?
Two dear friends of mine introduced me to rock climbing during COVID-19 in NYC (one of the few possible indoor activities during that period) and ever since I've been enjoying it a lot. A few days ago we went on a climbing trip in the South of France. This was my fourth outdoor experience and I guess like most climbers, I can say: I prefer outdoor climbing. Climbing on a real rock just feels better and more authentic. It requires more preparation, which at the same time builds up excitement and focused mindest for the days on the wall. In addition, I like to discover new places through activities and movement.
When I first started climbing three years ago, I noticed several differences between rock climbing and the sports I have been doing the most so far: Cycling, running, and swimming. All of them require a similar repetitive movement over a long time. It's about moving forward in direction and the element of distance is important. Endurance sports have taught me a lot and have been some sort of a guiding principle for me - I apply many learnings from sports to my personal and professional life, including my way of thinking, and communicating.
Rock climbing in comparison feels more diverse for my body and my mind. It requires several different muscles at the same time. It’s necessary to be constantly present - just for the sake of safety. It also allows people with different skill levels to climb together, which makes it very social and fun. For the most part you're competing with yourself (not that every form of sport has to be competitive) - if anything, everyone supports each other and wants you to succeed. Over the past years, I have paid close attention to my thoughts while climbing and how I connect rock climbing to everyday life - similar to long-distance sports. Some of them are:
Accepting and overcoming fear, building trust, problem-solving, strategic thinking, and goal setting. There is not only one path to reaching the peak. Leaning into your body to save energy. Small changes in my position can have a big impact. As well as balance, breathing, strength, calmness, patience, risk taking, communication and teamwork. It also shines light on the dynamics between climber and belayer, especially during a crisis when things don't go as planned.
Many of them are very connected to each other. For example: When I started climbing I recognized a strong feeling of fear when climbing up the wall. Even though I knew, that I was secured and safe I held on to the wholes very intensely. That required much more strengths. An irregular rhythm of breathing made my body feel even weaker. The people on the ground supported me with great advice and leaning into my body, using the structure of bones vs. muscles and take smaller, slower steps made me calm and safe energy. As I climbed more often I started building trust in the equipment, the belayer on the ground and in myself. Communication with the belayer was established, practiced and became more natural. My focus shifted from fear to strategic thinking and even a sense of risk taking.
It’s incredible to think how applicable those aspects are to my current chapter in life. I feel very inspired to keep climbing, discovering new places, taking learnings and metaphors from on and off the wall, and building connections between sport and life.
Should everybody climb?