Track-By-Track: O/B #14
This must be one of the last tunes that Chep Nuñez worked on before his untimely death, and the credits dedicate the record to him. Eric Kupper, an unsung hero of 90s house music, was the producer. This is an unusual percussion-heavy hip house hybrid that fits into almost any type of setting.
For me it will always be associated with the second Dust Off, where I played it as my first record and let it run out TWICE. How does that happen you may ask? Well, it's quite simple. You have to let the record run out once and, when it does, you should panic a little and, instead of putting the needle back down at the start of the track, you put it down on the beatless break that conveniently happens about 40 seconds before the end of the track. Congratulations! You've just had a total mare. You now have two and a bit hours left to redeem yourself.
Lucky Strike feat. Champagne - Body To Body (Dub) (Raw, 1991)
Note: this is an entry in the Track-By-Track series for my mix for O/B.
Track-By-Track is a series that looks back at records you will have heard in my mixes, one by one in the order they were played. Who made them, and when? How did I come across them? And what do they make me feel?