Track-By-Track: O/B #08
Where Mtume talked down the life of dancing and partying on 'So You Wanna Be A Star', Touché revel in it, though not without some particular conditions. The main vocalist may well 'get that explosion when my body's in motion/going round on the disco floor', but this is very much a socially-distanced affair.
'Take A Look, But Don't Touch' is as good a manifesto as I can find for my need for space on the dancefloor, and my discomfort with people invading said space. Of course this veneer of frigidity is completely undermined by the orgasmic imagery and breathy 'Love To Love You Baby'-esque delivery in the break:
“Can't you feel it?
Feel the motion.
Feel it going.
Going strong.”
There are two excellent blogs that give a full history of Touché (Disco Delivery and Canadian Bands), including some info on the eye-popping sleeve art. Unusually, Touché was a Vancouver-based outfit – on my shelves, they're filed alongside the better-known Montreal family of disco studio groups (Nightlife Unlimited, Tangerué, Plastic Surprise etc).
Touché - Take A Look, But Don't Touch (Magnum, 1979)
Note: this is an entry in the Track-By-Track series for my mix for O/B.
Track-By-Track is a series that looks back at records you will have heard in my mixes, one by one in the order they were played. Who made them, and when? How did I come across them? And what do they make me feel?