Jam The (Rekord) Box
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I don’t want this to be another of those vinyl vs digital polemics you might expect from a middle-aged man who used, once, to be relevant (an identity my 36-year-old self is doing his level best to stave off). Nor will it be an extended meditation on the virtues or otherwise of social media. Those topics have been covered ably elsewhere.
Rather, for a while now I have wanted to work through some of the considerations arising from what has amounted to my transition, over the past year or so, from record bag-lugger to USB-plugger. I say amounted to because, while the shift has been for good reasons, that doesn’t mean there was much forward planning. So rather than going into the practical motivations for it (also covered ably - and I mean it this time - elsewhere), I instead have some reflections on some of the directions it has pushed my DJing in, both good and bad.