One more for 2024
On the grind of professional women’s golf for a transgender woman.
Hello! My new feature didn’t go up in time for my (admittedly early) year in review, so I wanted to spotlight it here.

Hailey Davidson Loves Golf, And Golf Wants To Get Rid Of Her | Defector
Hailey Davidson can’t resist popping what she calls “phone pimples”: those nagging little red notification dots that indicate new messages. So on Dec. 4, when she was at her home golf course near Orlando, waiting with a friend to tee off on the fourth hole, she squeezed one. “It numbed me at first,” said Davidson, […]
I was so proud to work on this Defector profile of Hailey Davidson, a trans woman trying to make it in professional golf — as professional golf keeps hitting her with bans. She was uncommonly open and generous with her time, so I think it turned out really well. I’m also grateful to Lauren Theisen for wonderful editing and Mattie Lubchansky for a killer illustration.
I’m going to keep plugging away on Finding Renée as 2024 winds down, but this is officially a wrap on my published work for the year. Please share this piece far and wide, if you feel so inclined.
Happy holidays and new year!
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