Asexuality on Sex Education
On being messy.
Hello! I’m excited to share my new Vulture article diving into the asexual representation (via the character O) in the fourth and final(!) season of Sex Education.

An excerpt:
Why can’t ace characters be polarizing and messy? O is a refutation of the concept of an “unassailable ace,” coined by the blogger Sciatrix in 2010, referring to the false notion that someone is sufficiently asexual only if they are not disabled or autistic or elderly or transgender; they have no history of trauma; and nothing else to supposedly explain away why they don’t experience sexual attraction. O is not the picture of ace perfection and a model member of the community. So what? The whole point is that none of us are.
Anyway, the new season is pretty fun. Give it a watch and let me know what you think.
Other tidbits
Please don’t forget to preorder my book, Mind Game, from wherever you’d like. As we get closer to the March 5 launch, I’ll share more information here about how else you can support me.
I wrote about asexual joy! Over at Refinery29.
I’m teaching a copy editing class this Sunday over Zoom through Paragraph NY. Tell a friend.
I got top surgery a couple of weeks ago. Recovering well. Huzzah!
Hope you’re well!