Terrible children (and old people to be fair)
Pluggers, 1/31/25
I actually sleep with a second pillow -- not because it prevents me from falling out of bed, how would that even work, honestly it makes no sense to me and looking at the drawing doesn't make it make more sense, also do grown adults fall out of bed, this is insane -- but just because I like to hold onto something while I sleep, probably a habit I picked up with stuffed animals as a kid and never truly grew out of. Very early in our relationship my wife started referring to this pillow as my "girlfriend," a term that has stuck to this day. Anyway, that's a long way to explain why the first thing I thought when I saw this panel was "the caption should be 'plugger polyamory,’” which is bad, but you have to admit a lot less bad than a lot of Pluggers panels that could be captioned "plugger polyamory" might be.
Marvin, 1/31/25