Some gross stuff today, not gonna lie
Crock, 2/3/25
Look, man: if you're going to do a comic about a restaurant where they serve flies instead of fries, I think you can get away with just having the customer indignantly pointing at his plate, which is swarming with flies, and saying "I thought I get fries with this." That could be it! That could be the whole comic. If you're still not sure that people are getting it, I guess you could have a waiter saying "Oh, that's a misprint on the menu." A little on the nose, but sure. What you don't need is an entire second panel where you spell out the joke in very literal detail. And look, probably the smart cynics will say, "Oh, you'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of Crock readers," but as a daily Crock reader myself, I am telling you, we are capable of getting jokes! You don't need to be so condescending. Reading Crock every day is punishment enough, the least you could do is treat us with common decency.
Blondie, 2/3/25