Simply refuse to believe that Hi Flagston has a satisfying social life. It doesn't add up
Sam and Silo, 1/28/25
You know what would be awkward? If you were a corrupt city official taking kickbacks from a local sporting goods supplier, and one of the things they produced was "rebounders" for soccer practice, sometimes referred to as "kickbacks," and you pitched them an idea for a small version. That's pretty much the only circumstance where you'd ever say "Where's that little kickback we discussed? No, I am not talking about football" to someone on the phone, which would also require you to be using "football" in the non-American sense even though you're an American. It's a vanishingly rare scenario, which is why it's kind of amazing to see it captured in today's Sam and Silo.
Blondie, 1/28/25
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