Never has the word "unique" been so obviously used as an insult
Mary Worth, 7/3/24
Do you, Jeff? Do you know what's like to go through a rough patch? Because I've been reading this strip for a while, and as near as I can tell the Dr. Jeff Corey Emotional Spectrum mostly ranges from "wry amusement" to "mild annoyance." Whenever truly powerful emotions make an appearance -- an urge to be of service, say, or rising panic as your sinuses begin to clog -- you simply flee the area (to Vietnam and away from Mary's cat-dander-filled apartment, respectively). And this is, frankly, how Mary likes it! Wilbur may be OK as a "quirky good friend," but when it comes to sort-of-boyfriends, our gal demands an even keel and does not want to have her Bum Boat dinners interrupted by a lot of "feelings."
Pluggers, 7/3/24
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