Mostly Funkyverse Saturday
Funky Winkerbean, 11/19/22
Hey folks, remember beloved but unheralded elder comic book artist Ruby Lith, introduced back in 2019? Remember when she finally got the recognition she deserved and was inducted into the Comics Hall of Fame back in 2021? No? You don't? None of this is ringing a bell? You say Funky Winkerbean is full of people that you have some kind of emotional relationship with only because they've been in the strip for years and you've grown to really dislike them, and none of the "new" characters really stuck with you? Well, you're probably not feeling much of anything about Ruby's retirement, then, although you have to admit it would be pretty funny if she and Funky were having a longtime secret affair and are retiring at the same time so they can run off together. Wait, did I say funny? I meant "vaguely off-putting," forget I mentioned it.
Crankshaft, 11/19/22