Metapost: Friday = COTW day
Greetings, fellow humans. It is Friday, which means it's the day I share with you my favorite comment of the week from this weblog:
"You are among at least two friends! I mean, the waitress was pretty friendly, right? And also ... let's see ... the building's HVAC unit! That's a friend you can always count on!" --Nekrotzar
Many other comments were also deserving of recognition. Here is the list:
"I don't want to appear jealous ... jealous of Dirk for finding Dawn's nerd side! Dawn never wanted to talk about Star Wars with me, but to Dirk she's 'nerdgirl'?! Wait until my incel subreddits hear about how the alpha chads cucked me this time!" --Schroduck
"Dirk's a boisterous, selfish lout. Jared is an emotionally manipulative manchild who can't let go of an ex. When do they rub magic rings together and form 'Captain Wilbur?’” --Where's Rocky?
"How 'bout a spin-off cartoon about The Bribegiver, that fellow in the blue tunic who has brought a wheelbarrow full of gold across this criminal wasteland all by himself, unprotected (catch phrase: 'I'll catch up with you later, boys!') and now stands, smug and self-satisfied, twiddling his thumbs on his well-fed belly?" --Handsome Harry Backstayge, Idol of a Million Other Women
"Comics that I thought would reach the 'Clean Wehrmacht’ myth before Dick Tracy: Frazz ('Actually, ignorant children, the German Army...'), 9 Chickweed Lane (introducing new 'sexy Aryan' character), Crock (Crock gets orders from Admiral Darlan to work with the Germans), Mary Worth (Dawn falls for an elderly German man), Dennis the Menace (Mister Wilson defends his time in the Waffen SS), Garfield ('I hate Monday and Nazis, but not everyone who fought was...')" --Voshkod
"You know who else thinks it's weird that the only guest at Mr. Wilson's birthday party is their 5-year-old neighbor? Dennis' parents. But not enough to come over themselves, and join in this extremely sad celebration. Dennis is definitely fine, probably!" --BigTed
"Dirk isn't afraid to verbally abuse his girlfriend of like 10 days, but he's apparently afraid of leg day." --LTJpezcore1
"For you depraved furries who might well make up close to half of Pluggers' fanbase, here's the hot, sexy, bare-shouldered middle-aged chicken-woman action you've always wanted." --Morgan Wick
"Today, what I learned is that Loweezy even wears her ubiquitous headscarf to bed, donning a cute frilly sleeping hat on top of it. Also, possibly, that the artists of Barney Google & Snuffy Smith aren't actually sure what Loweezy's head is supposed to look like underneath said scarf." --Kevyn on Video
"It's good to know that even though she's a backwoods hillbilly, Loweezy knows the difference between 'yo're' and 'yore.’” --Weaselboy
"I think the thing I'm loving is that 'He's just boring!' is suddenly considered a bad thing in the Rexverse, instead of an aspiration goal, with the icing on the cake being that the thing this dude is babbling on about, restoring vintage cars, is the obsession of her daughter's boyfriend. Ha, in your face, Niki! Even the narrative thinks you're boring as shit!" --2+2=7
"See, Summer? If you'd taken up a hobby, YOU could be the conversation hog on this date!" --MKay
"You'd think that a comics based entirely on NASCAR would have exhausted the jokes years ago, but then you read Gearhead Gertie and it turns out you're right." --Ettorre
"I think it's kind of sad that the babies (and animals?) in this strip seem to have telepathic powers, but waste it communicating bullshit like this." --pugfuggly
"BLONDIE: Ooh, I'll have to remember that! That's great, did you come up with it? SALESWOMAN (working on commission): Yep." --Dan
"But if countless tales have taught me nothing else, now is the time for Tina to humanize this Greg, Enkidu-style, that he may enjoy wine, and bread, and human pleasures. Until Greg runs amok across NYC, climbs the Empire State Building, and is gunned down by biplanes." --A Grave Mind
"Blondie sours on the deal when the clerk uses a comma splice." --Hibbleton
"So Blondie, a small business owner who earns her own money, is concerned about her husband learning how much she spent on a nice dress. Dagwood, an office drone who alone consumes as much food in a single day as an average large family and golfs, a notoriously expensive hobby. Helen Reddy is spinning in her grave." --Tabby Lavalamp
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