Lesser soaper Saturday
Dick Tracy, 8/10/24
It looks like Dick Tracy is finally getting back to the "How is B-tier villain Silver Nitrate doing in the joint?" plot they teased us with last year, and the answer is, uh, not good, I guess! You know, there's lots of questions that I think would be fun to see Dick Tracy explore, like "How would cryptocurrency work in the heightened world of Dick Tracy,” but there are others that I don't think would be fun at all and would actually be pretty depressing instead, like examining how someone who doesn't seem like a hardened, violent criminal would do in the traumatizing hellscape of the U.S. prison system. Still, I have to admit that once I squinted enough to read all these scary prison whispers, "Dude, stop farting!" made me laugh.
Gasoline Alley, 8/10/24