I'm not sorry if it offends, actually, never apologize for pedantry
Blondie, 1/4/25
Yes, I still read the newspaper comics strip Blondie every day, and I actually learn things from it! For instance, Herb saying "mega-horsepower" made me wonder if horsepower is in fact part of the overall International System of Units and can take prefixes like "mega". Turns out it isn't; horsepower measures the same thing as watts, although there is a slight difference between metric horsepower (735.5 watts) and imperial horsepower (745.7 watts). It also turns out that a typical snowblower is rated around 5 horsepower, so if we take Herb literally, his new toy has a power output about 3 million times greater than that. Dagwood would not be comically encrusted with snow by it; instead, he and his entire suburban neighborhood would've been vaporized instantly the moment Herb turned it on. Sorry if this offends but I must tell the cold, hard truth about the physics involved here.
Gil Thorp, 1/4/25