He named his cat Odin, yet HE wears an eye patch. Ironic
Mary Worth, 4/26/23
OK, look, I was willing to accept it when we only got a day of Wilbur singing karaoke while sobbing openly, but now we find out that a cat tried to blind Dr. Ed and now he's wearing an eye patch and we didn't get to see that at all? Unacceptable! Still, I see two potentially funny ways forward: either Ed's briefly rekindled love affair with the veterinary profession has now been snuffed out for good, and he's brooding one-eyedly and thinking about burning the building down for the insurance and starting over again in a new town as a simple bricklayer, or the whole incident was relayed to Estelle over the phone as he explained that he needed to "take some time off" from their relationship to sit in a dark room and heal (e.g., spend more time with his wife and children so they don't get suspicious).
Judge Parker, 4/26/23