Friday wrap-up
Sam and Silo, 9/9/22
In their book Engineering Happiness, economists Rakesh Sarin and Manel Baucells define the “fundamental question” of wellbeing as Happiness = Reality - Expectations. Here, Sam and Silo illustrate the special case when you can’t do the math.
Six Chix, 9/9/22
This strip about a mess is the tidiest artwork we’ve seen in Six Chix all week.
Dick Tracy, 9/9/22
Dick Tracy babies enter the world under a cloud of schtick. “Attitude” here was named for Eddie Tude, a rando pizza delivery driver who drove mom Gertie to the maternity hospital in 2011. We’re informed he (Attitude) is ugly, but never see his face. He has an owl pet/mimic/familiar. He throws things at his dad B.O., though without enough force to actually kill the annoying old coot. He is a disappointment to Dick Tracy fans in every possible way.
Sally Forth, 9/9/22
Sally, you’re in H.R. You’ll be plenty busy once the restructuring gets rolling, followed by plenty of time off.
Well, time to pack things up around here and wipe the bourbon off the console for Josh’s triumphant return. Thanks for a delightful time!
–Uncle Lumpy