Fishy business
Hagar the Horrible, 2/6/25
I think the joke here is supposed to be "Lucky Eddie, who is notoriously soft and weak, is a cat guy," and as a cat guy I'm not going to take the bait. I am going to point out that, as depicted in the strip, Lucky Eddie is much less a cat guy (are there really any running jokes about him liking cats?) as a fish guy, or more precisely a fish-lady guy. Which leads me to ask: what's his mermaid girlfriend's bathroom situation like? In the strip where they're hanging out together and she's floating in a fish tank, is the fish tank the equivalent of her litter box? Much to think about, if you like thinking about mermaids peeing and pooping, and I apologize because you probably don't actually like thinking about that and it may be that I did get mad about the cat thing and took the bait a little bit.
Blondie, 2/6/25