"Dustin" is in the middle of what seems to be a week-long haircut plot, God help us all
Blondie, 2/4/25
Today is in fact "Thank A Mail Carrier Day," or at least it is according to National Day Calendar Dot Com, and I'm sure that's good enough for the fake-holiday-obsessed Blondie creative team so it's good enough for me. Now, while I always think it's polite to thank someone who provides you with a service, even they are just doing their job, this does seem like a kind of silly holiday, but you will note that the National Day Calendar Dot Com link provided above describes the event as National Thank A Mail Carrier Day, not Your Mail Carrier Day, which probably reflects the fact that most of us do not interact with our mail carrier on a regular basis, and many routes don't have the same carrier every day, or may have different carriers delivering letters and packages at different times. Certainly most of us don't have a consistent mail carrier who somehow manages to get there during a time when a 9 to 5 office worker would be home, and who hands us our mail personally and hangs around to shoot the shit a little bit instead of just putting the letters in the easily accessible mailbox and being on their way. Dagwood should be thanking him!
Dustin, 2/4/25