Don't think the Amish are really into orange, either
Tina's Groove, 8/1/24
I'm honestly really starting to enjoy the 15-years-ago-ness of the Tina's Groove strips offered up daily by the King Features website; for me, that lands in a nostalgic sweet spot that feels much more dated than Crock reruns from the '90s or whatever. Like, remember the '00s, when the only thing that could send a text message was a BlackBerry, and if you wanted to send such a message, you would ask your companion politely first? Of course you don't, because that's not really how it worked, but I suppose it might be how someone who'd never actually interacted with a BlackBerry user might think it worked.
Anyway, this strip obviously has a more timeless element to it, which is that Tina seems to have gone on a date (?) with a guy who she thought was Amish, but isn't really. A good clue would've been his facial hair: mustaches were so strongly associated with soliders and militarism in early modern Germany that the pacifist Anabaptist sects that were the forerunners to today's Amish and Mennonites foreswore them, leading to the distinctive chinbeard we associate with them today. Another way she could've guessed he wasn't Amish is that he's on date with her right now, since that's pretty antithetical to their whole deal.