Dagwood should be speed-eating and marathon-sleeping, why are they biffing this so badly
Blondie, 8/2/24
It's always been very clear that Blondie takes place in one of the most whitebread towns imaginable, but I still think it's pretty funny that (a) Lou knew that three years ago there would've been riots if he had tried to do anything with a Japanese theme so he just stuck to Olympic generics and (b) he also knew that even his "French" menu items had to actually just be American foods with "French" in the name, again, because of the riots. France! The country that loves meat and bread! The country that deep fries a ham sandwich and puts an egg on it! Once I was in Paris and I ordered something from the menu that that to my jet-lagged high-school-French-educated mind sounded good but I couldn't quite figure out what it was and it turned out to be a plate of prosciutto with a stick of butter on it! And it was amazing! I think Dagwood, of all people, could handle it! Instead here he is, holding up an Olympic 10 scorecard that he presumably wrestled away from someone in his carpool because he's not being offered anything "weird." This is, in fact, profoundly sad.
Dennis the Menace, 8/2/24