Comedic (or not) timing
Rex Morgan, M.D., 3/2/25
Oh, hey, sorry I haven't kept you up to date on the tale of Summer and Augie and the bad date that Summer ditched to hook up with Augie. The short version is that after making a real ass of himself at the bar where Summer met Augie and getting kicked out by the bouncer, bad-date-man showed up at Summer's workplace at the Morgan clinic and made a real ass of himself and got kicked out by the building's security guard. As is all too typical for me, that ostensibly "interesting" stuff did not move me to comment, but today's strip? Where Augie's going on and on about how much he likes regional artists and educational vacations to Kansas City? Well, you know that's gonna hook me in. I'm extremely invested in finding out if "regional artists" become the new "roots country." Meanwhile, bad-date-man has stalked Summer to the art museum, and I guess we'll find out this week if he's going to make a real ass of himself and be kicked out by a museum security guard or if he decides that these people are pretty boring, actually, and he has better stuff to do.
Beetle Bailey, 3/2/25