Also, Ed is absolutely going to destroy something in that yard in short order
Crankshaft, 10/2/22
Huh, I'm a little surprised by "the Crankshafts" in that final panel. I guess I actually don't know off the top of my head what Pam and Jeff's last name is, so it's possible that she not only kept her maiden name but that Jeff changed his name to hers as well, but I find it unlikely for a bunch of reasons. First off, while they're not overt anti-feminists or anything, it's had to see either of them doing anything that runs contrary to general societal practice to make a point. But more importantly, it's simply an awful name, and frankly they'd be inheriting it from a simply awful person, so I don't buy it.
Hagar the Horrible, 10/2/22
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