Their Helicopters Sing
It's been a minute. Sorry about that -- I'd say I've been busy but I don't know if that's particularly true. At least not any busier than usual. I think I felt equally driven to write about the Capitol Insurrection and to, well ... just not.
Things are well here. It's been a good new year so far. I've received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine and while I had a rough weekend, I survived and I'm hopeful that there's an end in sight for this thing. Mary's still working from home and I'm blessed to have her as a partner. Vera is getting so freaking big. And smart. I worry about the lack of socialization and structure she's experiencing right now, but it is what it is. The pandemic has presented many opportunities to practice distress tolerance and radical acceptance.
On a similar note, I've been having some annoying health issues and finally got a diagnosis that might explain it and offer a plan for treatment. So there's another reason to be hopeful.
I got good news at work. I've been feeling burned out on the Behavioral Health Liaison job, which has me in the ER meeting with folks in crisis and in need of resources. It's an important job, but very stressful and fast-paced, and just generally not what I want to be doing right now. Back in October I got the opportunity to switch to doing BHL for only 20 hours and moving into an outpatient psychotherapist role -- what I've been wanting to do -- the rest of the week. Well, I met with my manager yesterday and I'm going to be dropping down to doing BHL only on Mondays and outpatient the rest of the week. I'm really grateful for this opportunity and it's what I want to be doing with my life.
Other than all that, I've been trying to play as many games as time allows. We kicked off our Neon Black game two weeks back with character and community creation, and I got so stoked about it that I put together a little something to channel that nervous energy. On Sunday we'll play our first proper session and I'm excited to see how these characters face the obstacles I throw in front of 'em.
If I never shared it, we finished our Apocalypse Keys series and it was a ton of fun. And just last night, we finished off a short run of Urban Shadows 2E and it ended up being one of the most intense roleplaying experiences I've ever had. It has a bit of a slow start, and it's one session shorter than we were planning due to illness, but I think it turned out well and I really hope we are able to return to these characters and setting at some point.
Watch if you'd like! In the meantime, I'm going to watch some WandaVision and The Chase and then go to sleep.
Take care of each other, y'all.