Playing Catch-Up
The longer I go without updating this, the more anxiety I have about doing so, and the longer I put it off. Huh. How weird.
One of the weird things about being an adult with a family and a full-time job is that it’s kind of hard to answer the question of what’s new. I saw a bunch of people this past weekend that I haven’t seen in a long time (at the wonderful Riverwest 24!), and I found myself really struggling with the question. What is new? Work is work; even though I love it, it’s kind of a grind. I did get a promotion, not sure if I wrote about that here. Family is good. V turned five in June, and she’s pretty good at being five.
Besides all that, I guess, the biggest news is that in April I officially took Bump in the Dark out of Early Access … and then proceeded to continue tweaking the rules despite promising myself I was done. But now I’m really done, I think. It’s been almost two whole months since I’ve uploaded any changes to itch!
The really cool thing about being done is that now you can order a print-on-demand version of the game here. There’s both a hardcover and paperback version and, I’ve gotta say, they both look gorgeous. I’m really happy with how they turned out. It’s really cool being able to hold it in my hands or actually reference it when I’m running a game. (Yes, I need to reference the rules in the book for my own game that I wrote.)
It’s also been super cool seeing people who’ve bought it share pictures of it on their shelves or with their faces buried in it.
Bump in the Dark is also currently available as part of the Sunflower Support Bundle, a bundle of over 70 games by 40 creators to help TTRPG designer Sin from the Philippines get to Big Bad Con. Even if you already own Bump, it’s more than worth it for all the other great games.
With the flaming bag of dogshit that Twitter X has become, I’ve been playing around with bluesky and so far enjoying it quite a bit. It feels more engaging than, and I’ve already started to make some cool connections. Whether it will last, or be the next big thing, or whatever … who knows. But I’m enjoying it for the time being. Here’s where you can find me if you are so inclined.
I’ll be honest, I’m not really sure what the future holds for this newsletter, either. I’d like to keep it going, but I find it challenging to actually update it on a regular basis. I don’t know, maybe that’s okay? I find it likely that if I do continue to update it, I’ll be posting about whatever nonsense is on my mind at the time, so you might get TTRPG stuff, you might get ACT stuff, you might get movie reviews or essays or whatever else is showing up for me. If that sounds cool to you, let me know down below.
Alright, that’s all from me this time around.
Be well,