From the Firmament
Working to actually send out an update once a month; so far we’re on track for doing so three whole months in a row so I’m feeling mighty proud of myself.
Just got back from a show — not something I do a whole lot these days but I lucked into a free ticket for Saetia at the Very Famous X-Ray Arcade. They were never a band that I’d gotten super into, as my way into “screamo” was mostly I Hate Myself’s 10 Songs and then a few years later, pageninetynine’s absolutely chaotic and beautiful emoviolence masterpiecedocument #8 — but they put on a hell of show and I’m thankful I went. (Chicago’s Meth and Milwaukee’s Lifes, the former of which was new to me, opened, and both played great sets as well.)
More importantly, today was a good reminder that spending time in the sunshine and seeing old friends are both things I need to do more of. Sometimes life starts feeling really small, and it’s important to make a point of broadening it from time to time.
Big news on the game front, is that I’m please to share some art from the upcoming Revised Edition. Alison and Ashley have both been turning in incredible work, and I’m really excited to show some of it off. It’s interesting, because I’m really happy with the vast majority of the art in the original edition, most of which is stock art, and I think there’s some great horror and action-themed stuff out there. But these pieces feel so grounded in the game and the setting of Last Pine, and it’s such a cool fucking feeling. It makes me even more excited to eventually hold the new hardcover in my hands.

Hopefully these are as exciting for you as they are for me. They capture the feel and setting of the game so perfectly, and I would show you even more but I should probably leave some as a surprise if (when?) you buy the book.
(One fun game has been asking folks to make up backstories for the characters in the pictures; I’d love for you to reply with your own ideas!)
Speaking of which, I would really love to get the landing page for the Backerkit campaign up to 200 followers before we launch in June! Can you help me? Click the image below to follow along, and share the link with people you know who are interested in fiction-forward tabletop roleplaying, Buffy, Twin Peaks, X-Files, Supernatural, the 1990s, labor history, spooky bullshit, and so on. The success of the campaign depends on people like you, and I’m eternally grateful for your interest and attention.

That’s all from me for this month. I’m going to listen to a buncha skramz and think about how I should probably be sleeping.
Until next time,