Eat This Podcast: The case for folic acid fortification

Spina bifida is a neural tube defect that is one of the most common severe birth defects in the world., and the main cause is a lack of folate vitamin in the diet. In 1991, the UK’s Medical Research Council halted a trial of folic acid supplementation early because it was obvious that the supplement was preventing a large number of cases. At the time, the trial's authors concluded: ”public health measures should be taken to ensure that the diet of all women who may bear children contains an adequate amount of folic acid.”
The United States was relatively quick to act, mandating flour be fortified with folic acid in 1998, followed by around 80 countries worldwide. Countries with mandatory fortification have seen a drop in neural tube defects decline of between one third and one half. But not the European Union nor, until recently, the United Kingdom.
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