Jennifee-See Lectures Part 1/3 – Den Frie Udstillingsbygning
Jennifee-See Dacapo
Den Frie Udstillingsbygning
Part 1. Jennifee-See Lectures 30. november, 2.–3. december 2023
Part 2. Jennifee-See 'Eyestripe Sleeve' 14. december 2023 – 28. januar 2024
Part 3. Jennifee-See Files 1.–18. februar 2024
Jennifee-See Alternate presents an exhibition program in three acts revolving around the artist collective's past, ongoing and future activities, based on dialogue with international artists and contributors as well as exchange with a wider public. Throughout the exhibition period, a musical score by the composer Ani Liv Kampe will be visually present in the exhibition space.
The first act, Jennifee-See Lectures, is a performance, lecture, and workshop series. In the second act, the site-specific installation Eyestripe Sleeve by Carina Emery and Dagmar Moldovanu re-emerges. In 2021, Eyestripe Sleeve marked the end of a three-year effort to run Jennifee-See’s former haunt, Arcway. The installation consists of full-scale scans of Arcway’s distinctive interior, including drill holes, stains, and discolorations. The third and final act, Jennifee-See Files, is a publication comprising the group’s work in written form, including visual ma-terials, lecture and performance transcripts.
Please join us on Thursday the 30th of November at 4pm and the following weekend for Jennifee-See Lectures, the first of three acts that mark our exhibition program at Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art. Jennifee-See Lectures is a series of performances, lectures, and workshops where invited artists and thinkers set the stage for the upcoming exhibition by the artist collective Jennifee-See Alternates at Den Frie.
Performances by Adrienne Herr, Shade Théret, Sanna Helena Berger, Ville Laurinkoski, Stella Sieber, and Sofie Winther & Thjerza Balaj, accompanied by philosopher Stefanie Baumann’s two-part lecture, ‘Forms of Solidarity,’ and a lecture by the Post Brothers. Finally, you have the opportunity to participate in an Ikebana workshop by artist Christian Kōun Alborz Oldham.

Jennifee-See Lectures - Program
Thursday, November 30 4:00 PM Welcome 4:15 PM Ville Laurinkoski, Sofie Winther & Thjerza Balaj, Stella Sieber
Saturday, December 2 12:30 PM Stefanie Baumann (lecture, part one) 4:00 PM Ville Laurinkoski, Sanna Helena Berger, Post Brothers, Adrienne Herr, Shade Théret
Sunday, December 3 12:30 PM Stefanie Baumann (lecture, part two) 3:00–6:00 PM Ikebana workshop with Christian Kōun Alborz Oldham
Jennifee-See Lectures are free and open for everyone to attend.
Places for the Ikebana workshop (December 2) are limited to 15 participants. Please register by sending an email to For the lectures by Stefanie Baumann (December 2 and 3), please request the reader files via the same email address.
The exhibition is kindly supported by Ny Carlsberg Foundation and Rådet for Visuelt Kunst