21 flowers / Julia Laszczka & Peter Palluth / Opening this friday 5-9 pm

21 flowers
Julia Laszczka, Peter Palluth
6–31 December 2024
Opening this Friday, December 6th from 5-9pm
It’s as if the real estate agent places it there, carefully, yet with an implicit understanding. Not because it no longer belongs, but because it was never meant to stay. The hand hesitates over the final flower, correcting its angle by no more than a degree. Then the hand withdraws, leaving it intact.
A trimmed symmetry for a controlled, formal design.
A wild untamed one for a naturalistic, dynamic feel.
Yet, the flowers will be removed. The agent will return with a pair of shears. Twenty-one flowers. No more, no less. Shifting plants, in a dance of perpetual transformation.
Jennifee-See Alternate
Otto Busses Vej 33
DK-2400 Copenhagen SV
Opening hours
Thu, Fri 4–7pm
Sat 1–4pm
and by an appointment