live laugh email #1 - because you subscribed first
welcome to my email. there are 52 of us here at least...perhaps you're sharing your screen with a loved one.
💰 this issue of live laugh email is sponsored purely by my own resolve and persistence, having had to go to an apple store in nyc the day after a federal holiday. 💰
what's new 🆕 my phone, unfortunately. i had to get a new one over the weekend because the logic board fried. i was born to Be On My Phone (BOMP) but that phone was clearly not born for me to be on the wifi as much as i am.
live laugh blog 💋
a few weeks ago i started blogging about kissy lips, specifically the mac osx icon, and how it's helped shaped my philosophy around professionalism and creativity.
today i published a story about a 2015 art residency gone chaotic that is very much canon to the kissy-lips-jenn-schiffer lore.
coming up 🔜
jamie brew and i are hosting another robot karaoke at wonderville on tuesday july 16.
after i send this email, i’m taking a coffee walk in 92F weather and then working on updating our karaoke song/text request form so people stop trying to request doing songs with their original lyrics because THAT’S NOT THE POINT. i started using for the server side functionality of a static site and it’s been a nice experience so far!
after this month’s robot karaoke, i’m xoxo bound!
thanks for receiving my email 🎁
shouts out to matt lee for forwarding me all the newsletters he’s received from me over the past several years. i’ll post some kind of archive very soon.
pumagreg says hi.
here's a not-quite-finished-but-almost pixel painting where i airbrushed the cloudy sky. i started airbrushing several months ago and i really enjoy it and will write more about it soon.
xoxo j$
president of live laugh email,
a publication of