Dad Things - Issue #37
First off, I was surprised only one person reached out to me last week. Either you all didn't read until the end, or did not care to make an extra $20. Since he graciously declined the reward, I donated it to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Maybe $20 was too low. I'll come up with another call to action in the coming weeks. For now, some links.
Must Watch
I felt absolutely seen after watching this video. It is definitely reassuring to know that I'm not the only person in this boat. But it is fascinating to learn why we make so many friendships in school and as adults right before we settle down and get married. The main takeaway: it takes work to maintain those friendships.
Quick Links
✂️ CA to make vasectomies cheaper.
👴🏼 As a "geriatric millennial", I very much take advantage of being able to relate to the younger Gen Z employees as well as the Gen X'ers and Baby Boomers.
🍰 Not a fan of gender reveal parties, but I'd have one just for this cake.

I'm not asking for much, just forward or share it with someone who might enjoy it.