I do this 'too much' probably 'too often' 😉
The governor of Mississippi has his pen at the ready to legislate against transgirls and women. (I'm not giving him any more play. Google it up, if you want the deets.)
He fears for the safety of ciswomen in sports, and so he, along with the ridiculous repubs in the unironically nicknamed Hospitality State, will prohibit trans-identified women and girls from participating in sports on womens teams.
I rant about the naked bigotry of this fake position all the time. (Maybe even a little too much.)
- The position of protecting ciswomen and girls (except when it concerns the 45th, Shouty Cheeto himself, or some no named pedo pastor at various and sundry Protestant and Catholic churches and parishes); and
- The position of not protecting cismen and boys from the likes of me and other transmen (which suggests what? That I'm not. a real man? That cismen and boys don't need protection at all? But what about protection from other cismen who assault boys and men at alarming and underreported rates (i.e. the Kevin Spacey Effect™️); and
- The position of believing that a cisboys will always win against cisgirls sports (like maybe their testicles shrank into their body when they found out about Heaven Fitch, who won the North Carolina State Wrestling Championship in the 106lb division. "I kind of dominated," she said. You sure fucking did, my friend! You sure fucking did.); and
- The position of cowardice on the part of all people acting all scaredy, fearful like on behalf of ciswomen and girls (like they can't just say "we fucking hate transwomen and girls and don't want them anywhere near our daughters" {sons are a different matter, apparently); and
- The position of idiocy when it comes to transmen like me (as if they really want moi to use the women's room and participate in the senior olympics in the women's division, where I'd lose, naturally, and probably to a ciswomen who is 92, but you get my point).
Fuck your fake concern and your worthless trolling. Stop hiding behind ciswomen and girls. Be open about your hatred. If you cared one iota about any kind of woman you would have denounced Roy Moore and Shouty Cheeto.
And has for your so-called hospitality, I am absolutely 110% convinced Jesus, your running buddy and personal savior, would want nothing to do with the way in which you treat strangers.
I daresay He would condemn you to hell.
And there you have it, friends. I often rant a little too much.🤣
Until next time, Jay