Suburb on the Edge of Forever
Red Metropolis and Alpha City
May 10, 2021
Red Metropolis by Owen Hatherley Alpha City: How London was captured by the Super-Rich, by Rowland Atkinson If you head to the south bank of the river...
May Day
April 30, 2021
May Day It was not so much an ‘invented tradition’ as a suddenly erupting one. - Eric Hobsbawm. It’s May Day tomorrow, a proud internationalist, socialist...
Re-imagining Broadmarsh
April 27, 2021
Hi everyone! Sorry for the late arrival of newsletter #3. The good news is this means you’ll get another one in a few short days. Two in one week! You lucky...
The Gammons are Revolting / Terminal Boredom
April 17, 2021
The Gammons are Revolting A spectre is haunting London: the spectre of low traffic networks. All the powers of old London[1] have entered into an unholy...
Feminist City
April 10, 2021
Hello! Welcome to my new newsletter. Or should that be newletter? No, it should be newsletter. I'm glad we've got that sorted nice and early. Though you'll...