Tory Conference / Cycling / Next Level Sketch / Hibbett Gig / "James Walsh Month"
Hi Comrades! Lots to get through this week, please delay the singing of The Internationale until you get to the end.
Some friends have found it extremely amusing that I went to Tory conference. Amid many strange young men, an air of desperation, and an MP who wants 100 million cars on the streets of England, here's how I found the whole experience

In the belly of the beast – jamesofwalsh
Armed police. Checkpoints. Barriers everywhere. The security for Conservative Party Conference is, if unused to how the elites cocoon themselves, overwhelming. Birmingham. It’s not quite the Green …
Cycling from Brighton to Lewes
I had a bit of a difficult day, brain wise, so I cheered myself up by cycling alongside a dangerous dual carriageway. This is advertised as the safe route to Lewes. I am inclined to disagree.

Brighton to Lewes – jamesofwalsh
“Sorry, this has been ordered for the Lewes Argos, not the Lewes Road Argos”. Oh. “Don’t worry, happens all the time.” Down the Sainsbury’s travelator I travellated, weighing up this sudden necessi…
Spooky Halloween Next Level Sketch
One of our fab Producers is taking a break from sketch arranging, so terrible news: I am directing our October show. What does this mean, in practice? Well, I've booked lots of guest acts, and will run proceedings with an iron fist. Please come along and see me make my solo directoral debut.
Next Level Sketch with EGG and Low Effort Sketches! Tickets, Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM | Eventbrite
Our spooky Halloween sketch comedy special with ghosts, monsters, occasional violent deaths and also jokes
Hibbett gig!!!
Me and Hibbett are playing a gig in Brighton. It'll be his 856,000th show and my first. At least one of my favourite singer-songwriters ever will be in the audience. Come along and find out who it is?!
MJ Hibbett performs in Brighton - with special guests and assorted antics Tickets, Wed 19 Oct 2022 at 19:30 | Eventbrite
Indie pop titan MJ Hibbett plus support from James Walsh (not out of Starsailor) and Simon Topping
The Hunt for Walsh October
I don't fully understand what this means but it'll be fun finding out.

Welcome to James Walsh Month – Welcome to The Phoenix Remix
Welcome to this months feature!
You may all now start singing!
J x x x