Next Level Sketch with Joz Norris next Wednesday! / County Cricket Travels / New Newsletter launch on Friday
Hello everyone! The birds are singing on my estate, and the cat is staring furiously out the window. Spring, or something that feels a lot like it, is finally here. Did you subscribe to this newsletter for me to tell you that? Then consider yourself satisfied.
If not, read on!
Next Level Sketch with special guests Joz Norris and Su Mi!
This is NEXT WEDNESDAY, the 26th April, at Hoopla in London Bridge, and we'd love for you to come. Elf Lyons had to cancel as she's been eaten by wolves or has been cast in a theatre show, one of the two, so we've replaced her with the lovely and VERY FUNNY INDEED Joz Norris.
There's also US LOT, Su Mi, the lovely Simon Topping all the way from Brighton, and a new sketch duo called Matt and Rosa who look suitably ridiculous.
Next Level Sketch - April! Tickets, Wed 26 Apr 2023 at 20:00 | Eventbrite
Live comedy featuring brand new sketches from Next Level Sketch and hilarious guest acts from the cream of today's alternative comedy scene!
New newsletter out on Friday!
I have a new project where I'm going to interview a comedian every week until I run out of people who say "yes" or the moon crashes into the sea, whichever happens sooner.
First up is Joz Norris who I genuinely had no idea would end up being in our show when I approached him, call this serendipity or felicitousness or something along those lines. I will be telling you how to sign up for that when... such a thing exists.
I am visiting every County Cricket ground this year!
As long-time followers of my existence will know, I am a big fan of doomed endeavours.
This year's tilt at the windmills an attempt to visit all eighteen county cricket grounds before the end of September.
This isn't necessarily impossible, as I own a bike and because county cricket matches last four days, I might be able to visit a few in one round, or even in one day if I'm particularly lucky. But I am embracing this challenge that absolutely no-one has asked me to do, and have already visited two far-flung locations: north London and, erm, south London.
Thank you to Paul and Chloe for the company and free entry to their respective cricketing citadels.

Visiting every County Cricket Ground #1: Lord’s – jamesofwalsh
On a cold, drizzly Thursday, the the 2023 County Championship season got underway, while I was cycling up through St John’s Wood to Lord’s. I was slightly late. I had met a friend and her daughter …

Visiting every county cricket ground #2: The Oval – jamesofwalsh
Two rounds of the County Championship completed, and two grounds visited. This rate, I hope, will speed up in time, but for now I am easing myself in, like an opening batsman pre-Bazball. The Oval …
That's it for this week! Please buy tickets to Next Level Sketch next week, I need to feed my children wine.
J xxx