Julia Masli’s Comedy From Hell / Ditchling Beacon
Hi comrades! It’s the 4th July. I wonder what that reminds me of?
I swam in the sea yesterday. The wind made it feel like being in a malfunctioning washing machine.
There was a kid with a wonderful shark inflatable, but neither of them quite dared to enter the waves.
Comedy From Hell
Here’s another comedy review for you. This time it’s the turn of fabulous clown Julia Masli and her cavalcade of freaks and outsiders.

Comedy Review Celebrating ‘the outcasts, the buffoons, the banished’ | Morning Star
Cycling up Ditchling Beacon
Here’s how I feel when people tell me to be careful when I’m about to go out for a ride. About to drive to Waitrose? Please be careful.

Cycling up Ditchling Beacon – jamesofwalsh
“Be careful”. Usually I ignore it. But this time, I bite: “Do you say that to all your friends heading out, or just the ones cycling? Do you like my new cycle cap?” “Why a cap and not a helmet?” Cy…
Someone stole my lovely Brookes saddle on Thursday, which makes my bike a lot harder to operate. But that’s a tale for another newsletter.
Take care,
J x
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