Horse Passports through to the Quarter Finals! / This Machine Killed Wasps
Hi everyone! Sorry for late newsletter, I caught something flu-ish and shook it off slowly, like Taylor Swift wading through treacle.
This Machine Killed Wasps
Thanks so much to those who did so for coming to my inaugural music and comedy night in Brighton, This Machine Kills Wasps.
The show was damn nearly a sellout, all the acts were brilliant, and I remembered the chords to at least two of the three songs I myself performed.
This counts as a triumph.
We shall return with another show when I have capacity to do so, probably in April.

This Machine Kills Wasps, with Message From The Ravens, Shelf, Selena Mersey, Sharlin Jahan and Mr Simon Topping – jamesofwalsh
Note: this write up was done under the influence of my favourite narcotic – flu – so might not flow especially well. It’s just words thrown at an electronic page, because a feverish wri…
Horse Passports: Quarter Finalists at Sketch Off!
My sketch trio made it through to the next round of Sketch Off, and will again be performing at the Museum of Comedy in Holborn, this time at 5pm on Saturday 18th February. Why not come along and cheer us on as we mount our doomed attempt on a semi final spot? Level Sketch on 22nd February
And the full gang are back for our first live show of 2023. I’ve booked some super guest acts and we’ve written some especially stupid new material.
Next Level Sketch, with Lovely Boys, Anne Crowther and Low Effort Sketches Tickets, Wed 22 Feb 2023 at 19:45 | Eventbrite
London’s finest sketch comedy night returns for its first show of 2023. Expect owls, character comedy, and the best sketch acts anywhere.
That’s it for this week! Have a gorgeous weekend everyone
J x