Factually Inaccurate next Tuesday / A Folk Festival in Todmorden
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good holiday from the banks over the weekend.
Yesterday central London was strange, peaceful, and ominous. Confused jobsworths in high vis managed roads blocked for the 10K run, and bored police in huge SUVs idled outside the Leon on Horseferry Road.
Factually Inaccurate Stand-Up on 10th May
Each iteration of London Bridge’s only owl-run alternative comedy night gets closer to what we want it to be, and I would dearly love you to come along next Tuesday.
We’re super excited in particular to have Duff and the returning Tuck, who together sound like some kind of questionable cosmetic surgery procedure.
Factually Inaccurate Stand-Up: Thom Tuck! Helen Duff! Luke Rollason! Tickets, Tue, May 10, 2022 at 7:30 PM | Eventbrite
Alternative comedy night with funny lectures, character comedy and alternative standup. Also: owls
A huge puppet with a hammer tormenting local dogs
I lost my folk festival performance virginity on Saturday somewhere near Hebden Bridge. Write-up features some Colombians and recycled plastic, as well as a song.

Todmorden Folk Festival 2022 – jamesofwalsh
“What’s the name of the place we’re going to again? Post-mortem?” I’m with my brilliant, Spanish academic friend and we are on an adventure to a pretty little market town. Paula is the sort of pers…
That’s it for this week! I’ll be back on Monday with a preview of the latest FI fanzine and also some news about songs.
Go well,
J x