Covid diaries
Greetings comrades,
I tested positive for Covid over the weekend so I’m in a bit of a limbo at present. The days all have merged into one a bit more than usual. But I’m not feeling too bad, as opposed to comrade Kamal who has been admitted to Kingston hospital with Covid and pneumonia, so please send all your get well soon vibes in his direction. He needs them more than me right now.
As befits someone who isn’t feeling amazing, I’ve been busying myself with more administrative than creative tasks. One thing I’m glad I did was to stick the archive of interviews with comedians I’ve done this year up on the Factually Inaccurate website. Do have a peruse if you have time. I feel comics let their guard down a bit more for fanzine interviews. They start to wonder what it’s all about, and are pleasingly thoughtful, existential and kind.

Interviews – Factually Inaccurate Stand-Up
Tom Crowley! Jacob Hatton! Gemma Arrowsmith Alex Bertulis-Fernandes! Eleanor Morton! Charlie George! Joz Norris! Sharlin Jahan! MJ Hibbett
All these come from the Factually Inaccurate fanzine, back issues of which can now be purchased on Etsy. Or, more easily, by turning up to our next show on Monday 15th November, which has a fabulous lineup. Tickets below:
Factually Inaccurate Stand-Up: Athena Kugblenu, Ch Tickets, Mon 15 Nov 2021 at 20:00 | Eventbrite
Monica Gaga! Suchandrika Chakrabarti! Funny lectures! Character comedy! Exclamation marks!
Next Level Sketch with special guests Tarot Comedy
I emerge from my isolation in time to perform at the next NLS show. We have many spooky sketches, a brilliant cast and actually-quite-famous special guests. When we started all this back in January last year, the plan was for us to book the absolute best sketch acts on the circuit.
Well, Tarot are so good even “The Guardian” have written about them. Do buy tickets to this one - it’s going to sell out. Also I’m taking a break from hosting duties to do the door, so please do come and say hello and tell me how much you like my moustache.
Next Level Sketch Comedy with special guests Tarot! Tickets, Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 7:45 PM | Eventbrite
Awesome, surreal sketch comedy with the NLS players and special guests Tarot
Serpentine swim for Alzheimer’s Society
I have done a traditionally grumpy write-up of my Hyde Park swim for you all to enjoy, but more importantly thank you so much to everyone who donated. You have raised a frankly absurd £662 so far, which I plan to flee to Monaco with as soon as that becomes even vaguely legal.

Serpentine – jamesofwalsh
Nothing happened today so i am flying back a month to write about my charity swim in the Serpentine, to raise money for The Alzheimer’s Society. You can read all about why I did it, which I explain…
That’s it for this week. Thanks for reading as always, and do get in touch for any reason you like. I’m not doing much at the moment.
J x