Whatever It Takes. Some of Us Move On...
Hey there. I’ve recently seen the end of the Infinity Saga by Marvel Studios and it weighed so heavy on me. No spoilers, of course; not until May. I strongly recommend seeing it - it, in itself, is an amazing standalone film and still weaves deeply into the cinematic universe Marvel Studios has been working on. It’s a long movie so I strongly recommend eating and flushing yourself an hour in advance. Made the mistake of having a drink during my first run and had to miss some vital scenes in the third art. That led to me buying a ticket for the next immediate screening and getting home by 1 AM, lol.
I recently attended an event by the EBPREC and man, was I in love. The concept of cooperative home ownership as well as business ownership is something I can vibe with heavily, lol. I have no idea if something like this would fly in New York City (and I hope it would - I 100% would take my learning back there). Expect me to speak on this and all things cooperative (read: anti-extractive and exploitative forms of capitalism and regenerative living) in the coming months.
I’m still on track for Caribana, which is going to be incredible. It’s also my first international trip so do expect me to document my “chronicles” on that, lol. I’m aiming a few other Caribbean-specific events as well as Afropunk 2018 (but not in New York this time!).
This’ll be the first year in a circuit that I haven’t done a talk of any capacity and I think I’m going to keep it that way. Largely so I can spend more time working on the things that I’d like to talk about like Koype and Fortress. Focusing on making people the center of social software instead of advertisers and data manipulators is very important to me.
I’ve come to a understanding that Koype is, functionally, a content management system. It has stuff for sharing things in a way that lets you link back to Koype and can handle the responses from said platforms. That with my “live” testing of the platform over at https://v2.jacky.wtf and I get more confident of its readiness come August. Something new I’ve focused on is providing a “reply context”. This way, just posting content on one’s site wouldn’t look out of place. I’ve also begun work on porting a few things to give Koype a different face. Long term goal is to show the efficacy of the theming system so I can use it for things like black.af and even koype.net itself! Lots of good stuff. If you’re more interested in the updates; definitely subscribe to my Patreon to get updates on a more granular scale.